March 24–30, 2025
PGA TOUR Champions
Mission Hills Country Club


Title Sponsor

Galleri Logo

The Galleri multi-cancer early detection test is a proactive tool in finding cancer early. With a simple blood draw, the Galleri test can identify DNA shed by cancer cells (unique “fingerprints”) to help screen for some of the deadliest cancers that don’t have recommended screening today, such as pancreatic, esophageal, ovarian, liver, and others.** The Galleri test can be used to screen for cancer before a person becomes symptomatic, when cancer may be more easily treated and potentially curable. The Galleri test can indicate the origin of the cancer, giving healthcare providers a roadmap of where to explore further. The Galleri test requires a prescription from a licensed healthcare provider and should be used in addition to recommended cancer screenings such as mammography, colonoscopy, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test, or cervical cancer screening. It is recommended for people over the age of 50, or those with an elevated risk for cancer due to genetics, family history, environmental exposure, or other risk factors.

Presenting Sponsor

Spotlight 29 Casino Logo

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